Communication Log Tab

Use this tab to view and manage all communications made with the Customer.

Note: The data displayed in the Master Customer and Location Master accounts is a listing of all Customer notes from all accounts within the Customer Hierarchy. Any note stored at a Customer Account can be seen on all Master Customer Accounts within its Customer Hierarchy.

Accessing the Communication Log tab

The Communication Log tab consists of the following sections:

Note: Some of these sections are conditional and are only be displayed once certain conditions are met.
  • Communication Log Tab Search Bar: Located below the Communication Log tab is a search bar which allows a user to search communication log notes. When text is entered into the search box and the user clicks the search button , the system search the notes field of all communication log notes and return only notes that match the search criteria.

  • Communication Log Alerts: In the event that the communication log search returned no results, the following alert get displayed below the search bar.

  • Communication Log Content Panel: The communication log content panel includes all communication log records that have been created for a particular Customer. If a search was preformed previously, only the search results get displayed in this panel.

Bulk Note Insert

Bulk note insert feature can be used to insert common note on multiple Customers/Accounts. To use this feature, do the following:
  1. Go to Administration Menu > Operations > Bulk Note Insert.
  2. On Bulk Call Note Updates page, enter the fields in Step 1. Enter your call note.
    Fields Description
    Call Type Select the call type.
    Type Select the call purpose.
    Detail Select the details of the call purpose.
    Department Select the department that received or made the call.
    Status Select status of the note for the call.
    Priority Select the priority of the note.
    Call Note Enter the message of call note.
  3. On Bulk Call Note Updates page, enter or upload account numbers in Step 2. Enter Account numbers or Add Account Numbers from file and click Save to insert the note.