Relationship Chart and Stake Structures

The relationship chart displays the relationship network for persons, companies and associations, >> Relationship Network.

The Stake Structures tab displays ownership stakes held by the current customer.

To display the relationship chart or information on stakes:

  1. Switch to the desired customer (person,contact person, company, association).
  2. Switch to the Relationship Chart or Stake Structures tab. The chart is displayed.

Relationship Chart:

The current record is displayed in the center. All company and person records that are linked to the current record via a relationship are displayed surrounding the current record.

Click on (New Relationship) to add a new relationship, >> Adding Relationships.

The relationships stored for the currently selected record are displayed on the left. Select Edit Relationship from the context menu to edit the relationship.

Stake Structures:

The current record is displayed in the center. The customers the current customer holds a stake in are displayed surrounding the current record. The ownership percentage is displayed over the connecting lines.

  • You can drag customers (nodes) in the chart to a new position.
  • Click on a customer to open the customer record.
  • Hover the mouse cursor over a customer to display additional information on the customer (e.g. their ABC classification).
  • Click on (New Stake) to add a new record, >> Adding Stakes.
  • Click on (Edit Stake Structures) to edit existing records, >> Displaying, Editing and Deleting Relationships and Stakes.