Linked Records

Displays a list of linked records for the user to choose from. Double-clicking a record fires the event.

Specify the following:

  • Event No.: The number of the event to be fired if the user selects a record. The actual event is defined in the Dispatching area of the step definition.
  • DisplayText: The heading of the record list.
  • TableCaptionName: The name of the table caption to be used for displaying the records. (If not defined, the default table caption of the info area specified by the link relation in Parameters is used.)
  • Max. rows: The maximum number of records to be displayed.
    Note: If you don't specify Max. rows for an item, the value specified in the Search.MaxResults Web Configuration parameter is used instead, see Search.MaxResults.
  • Parameters (mandatory): The link to be used, e.g. $Link[FI] or $Children.

    For possible values of <linkName>, see Link Names in JavaScript.

    Note: The link is always read in relation to the first uid from the ProcessAsk action.

    In addition to the linkName parameter you can specify any parameter supported for the RecordListBox widget. You can e.g. use filterName to filter the list of linked records.


    {linkName: '$Children[Y2]', showGridHeader: false, grid:{emptyGridTextAlign: 'left'}}


    For the complete example, see Step ProcessAskY1 and Process Ask Configuration ProcessAskY1.