
Any kind of text (e.g. the description of an action to be performed by the user).

Specify the following:

  • DisplayText: The text.

    You can use URL-Parameters to access variable values, e.g. "You have {url:Y2Count} participant(s) linked to your opportunity.". You can not access the process storage in text items. Therefore you need to define all required information as input arguments of the ProcessAsk action.

    You can also use the following placeholders: {RECORD}, {INFOAREA} and {INFOAREAS}, >> .

  • Parameters (optional): Specify an image to be displayed with the text: {image: 'my_image'}

    The image must be registered in CRM.Designer. For further details, see Images.

    You can define variable images depending on some value (e.g. {image: 'CAT_ZF_{url:Y2State}'} shows a different smiley depending on the current value of Y2State). For a complete example, see Step ProcessAskY1 and Process Ask Configuration ProcessAskY1.

    You can also directly enter conditions for an image in the Parameters field.

    Use images (bullets and numbers) if you want to create a formatted list. (Entering the bullets or numbers directly in the text diminishes the re-usability of texts.)

Note: Use empty Text items to control the vertical spacing on your page.