Step ProcessAskY1

  1. Create a step called ProcessAskY1 displaying the previously created opportunity and ask the user to create opportunity participants, >> ProcessAsk. As soon as at least one participant is added, the user can exit the process.

  2. Select the action (ProcessAsk) and define its input arguments:

    Get the necessary parameters for the Process Ask page from the process storage:

    • the opportunity record's uid for the Expand view
    • the current participants count (Y2Count) for the text
    • Y2State evaluating if the minimum number of participants has been reached - only then the process can be completed.
  3. Define the Dispatching depending on the buttons defined in the Process Ask configuration:
    • Event 1: The user clicks the Add Participant button. This calls CreateY2 as Next Step.
    • Event 2: The user clicks the Show Opportunity button. This calls ViewRecord->Exit and ends the process, >> ViewRecord->Exit.

      Since a ProcessAsk step does not provide uid as output argument you need to get the uid for ViewRecord->Exit from the process storage: