
Address data in Aurea CRM records can be "geo-encoded" using an external application, i.e. the external application calculates the geographic coordinates e.g. of a company based on the company's address.

The coordinates can be used e.g. to display a record on a map panel in Aurea CRM web.

Use the options of this category to configure the handling and display of geographic coordinates in records.

Use Geo-coordinates

Enable this option to activate server-side geo-coding of addresses. If disabled, all geo-coordinates settings are ignored. (The client-side display of maps in Aurea CRM web is not affected by this setting.)

Use the following options to customize the limits for batch-geocoding (see Batch-Geocoding):

Maximum number of addresses per batch request

Determines the maximum number of geo-coded records per batch (default: 200,000).

Maximum number of batch requests per day

Determines the maximum number of batches per day (default: 5).

Maximum number of addresses in batch requests per year

Determines the maximum number of geo-coded records per year (default: 10,000,000).

Enter the desired values in the Numeric field. These settings are applied globally.

Note: If you have obtained a Bing license key from Aurea, the limits you specify here may not exceed the limits defined by MS Bing Maps, see

For general information on performing geo-coding in the background using CRM.server, see Background Geo-Coding.