Notification Devices

The Notification Devices section lists information about any device you want AlertFind to use to notify you. Its categories tell you the types of devices your organization uses for notification delivery.

Categories of devices supported by AlertFind can include the following. (The device categories available to you depend on the types of devices your organization has chosen to support):

  • Email devices: such as Personal or Work email
  • Voice phone devices: such as Home Phone or Cell Phone
  • SMS devices: such as Cell Phone or Text Pager
  • Fax machines

Devices in these categories can include default devices and custom devices.

  • Default devices are defined by your organization as the set of default devices that all users should have access to.
  • You can configure a default device to receive notifications by providing your information (such as email address or phone number) for the device. Unconfigured devices display Not Configured in the Current Value field.
  • You can enable or disable a default device that you have configured. Enabled devices are listed in black, regular text and can receive notifications. Disabled devices are listed in gray text and cannot receive notifications.
  • You cannot delete a default device from your profile. You can only disable or unconfigure it if you do not want to use it to receive notifications.
  • Custom devices are additional devices that you have added to your profile.
  • You can add a custom device to your profile (which is basically the same as configuring a default device).
  • You can enable and disable custom devices just as you enable or disable default devices.
  • You can delete custom devices from your profile if you no longer want to use them. You cannot delete default devices, only unconfigure them.

When adding, editing or configuring a Device

  • If you want to receive notifications at a default device whose Current Value displays Not Configured you must configure it by adding the information that AlertFind needs to communicate with the device.
  • If you want to receive notifications at a device not listed by default in your profile, you must add the custom device.
  • If the address or contact information for a configured devices changes, you must edit it for your organization to be able to delivery notifications to it.