Change Your Password


For users whose organizations are using the Windows Authentication or Single Sign On features, your password is managed through your primary network. Email Continuity cannot reset or change this password.

The Change password option is disabled, and any changes to your password are automatically propagated to the network computers.

If you used a temporary password to log in to your account, the software automatically prompts you to enter a new password before you proceed to the Home page.

To create a new password:

  1. Determine the password you want to use. If your organization has password policies in place, such as password complexity guidelines, be sure to follow them.
  2. On the Email Continuity Home page, access the password page using one of the following methods:
  • In the menu at the top of the Home page, click on the Preferences link, and then on the Preferences page in the top sub-menu click on the Change Password link.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Home page, in the Preferences section, click on the Change Password link.
  1. In the Current Password text box, type your current password.
  2. In the New Password text box, type the new password you want.
  3. In the Confirm Password text box, retype the new password.
  4. Click the Submit button.