Logging In

Most organizations send an email message notifying their users to start using Aurea Messaging Solutions. The email contains important information such as temporary password in case of custom authentication and a path to configure notification and contact settings. Configure your notification and contact settings so that your organization and Aurea Messaging Solutions can reach you, for example when the organization activates the Aurea Messaging Solutions Continuity service or when you need to recover a forgotten password.

This message also contains instructions specific to your organization on how to log in to the service. Since Aurea Messaging Solutions has several possible configurations, follow the information in the email to ensure you can successfully log into the system.

This topic includes general instructions for logging in.

  1. Use your favorite browser to access and login to Aurea Messaging Solutions, using the URL that was sent to you. The default URL is https://ems.messageone.com


If you are using a mobile device to access your emergency mailbox, the system detects the device and presents a simplified interface for you to access your mail. If your device is not auto-detected, in the login screen click Mobile sign in to switch to the mobile device interface.

The Aurea Messaging Solutions login form

  1. Enter your email address into the text field. To have your email address remembered, so you don’t have to enter it again, select Remember me. Click Next.
  2. Enter your password:
  • If your organization uses Windows authentication, enter your Windows password.
  • If your organization uses custom credentials, enter your temporary password provided and then specify a permanent password when logged in.

NOTE (Custom credentials only)

If you forgot your password, use the Reset your password link to create a new password.

The Aurea Messaging Solutions home page

Features available on the home page: