Failed Message Tracking

Failed Message Tracking is an optional feature that displays email messages that have failed to be stored in the archive or fully indexed into the database.

When an email message arrives, Continuity normally parses the message for metadata and other information, then stores the message in the archive and sends the metadata to be indexed by the server.

If the message cannot be stored correctly the first time, several more attempts are made to store the message into its archives. If, after repeat attempts, the message cannot be stored into the archives, its metadata is entered into the Failed Message database.

After a message stores correctly, it is sent to be indexed. Again, several attempts are made to index each message. If a message cannot be indexed at all, or can only be partially indexed, its metadata is also placed into the Failed Message database.

Archive Reviewers can access the feature from both the AMS home page, and from the AMS Archive menu.

Because failed messages are not contained in normal archive searches, the Failed Message Tracking feature allows Reviewers to provide more accurate search results.