Fixed Price Rate

This is the most simple and common billing rate type. In Fixed Price Rate, the rate is fixed for a defined period of time.

Fixed price rate Configuration

Fixed Rate can be created from the Add / Edit Charge Detail window in the Rate Package tab while creating Rate Package. See Creating and Managing Rate Packages.

On Add / Edit Charge Detail window the Fixed price Calculation should be selected from Type dropdown menu.

Other details should be filled as per the product requirement. Block Pricing and Tired checkbox should be checked, if required.

Fixed Pricing Calculations

Product Type

Rate Types & Calc Method

Product Elements

  • Non-Tiered Energy – fixed energy price charged irrespective of consumption quantity
  • Tiered Energy – multiple fixed energy prices charged based on varying levels of consumption quantity
  • Seasonal Energy - multiple fixed energy prices charged based on specified time periods
  • Energy Charge times Consumption - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption.
  • Energy Charge times Consumption by Meter Type - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption. Takes meter type into consideration. (metered or un-metered)
  • Energy Charge Majority - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption, when service period spans 2 rate details, price used determined by rate detail having the majority days in the period.
  • Energy Charge Proration - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption, when service period spans 2 rate details respective prices are prorated by days in respective period.
  • Energy Charge Proration By Meter Type - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption, when service period spans 2 rate details respective prices are prorated by days in respective period. Takes meter type into consideration (metered or un-metered)
  • Energy Charge CAA/CSA/EMA Filter - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption. Takes Service type (Plan Type) into consideration.
  • Fixed Price Calculation - Fixed energy price * monthly consumption. Part of the “1000” Rate Type series that can be blended and prorated with the other Rate Types in this series.
  • Charge Category
  • Charge Description
  • Plan Type
  • Rate Type
  • Rate Amount
  • Unit of Measure
  • Secondary Rate
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Customer Type
  • Lower Range (if Tiered)
  • Upper Range (if Tiered)

Monthly Fixed Adder – miscellaneous fixed monthly charges assessed based on certain criteria

  • Flat Charge Per Customer – fixed monthly charge per Customer
  • Flat Charge Per ESI ID – fixed monthly charge for each ESI ID on the Customer Account
  • Flat Charge Metered Premise – fixed monthly charge for each metered ESI ID on the Customer Account
  • Flat Charge Unmetered Premise – fixed monthly charge for each non-metered ESI ID on Customer Account
  • Flat Charge Per ESI ID By CSA/EMA – fixed monthly charge per service type.
  • Annual Credit Cap - ceiling amount set to cap certain types of charges.
  • Charge Category
  • Charge Description
  • Rate Type
  • Rate Amount
  • Unit of Measure
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Customer Type

Daily Fixed Adder – miscellaneous fixed daily charges assessed based on certain criteria. Primarily used in the CSA/EMA service types to prorate Customer charge between two Customers for a single service period.

  • Flat Daily Charge – fixed daily charge per Customer.
  • Flat Charge Daily Ratefixed daily price * consumption charged per Customer.
  • Flat Charge Daily Rate CSA / EMA Filterfixed daily price * consumption charged per service type.
  • Charge Category
  • Charge Description
  • Rate Type
  • Rate Amount
  • Unit of Measure
  • Effective Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Customer Type