CCH Tax Report Types

There are different CCH Tax Reports that can be used in CIS depending on mode of payment and if Geo code information is required.

These CCH Tax Reports are:

  • Accrual Based
  • Accrual Based with Geo codes Breakdown
  • Cash Based
  • Cash Based with Geo codes Breakdown

CCH Tax Report – Accrual Based

The CCH Tax Report – Accrual Based, shows all of the taxes that were invoiced during a defined period of time. This report only looks at that taxes that have been invoiced.

The image below shows a CCH Tax Report Interface Accrual Based.


CCH Tax Report – Accrual Based with Geo codes Breakdown

The CCH Tax Report – Accrual Based with Geo codes Breakdown, displays the same information as the CCH Tax Report – Accrual Based along with the Geo code information for the taxes. The GRT and PUC taxes are based on the geographical information from the Geo code.

The image below shows the CCH Tax Report Interface - Accrual Based with Geo code.


CCH Tax Report – Cash Based

The CCH Tax Report – Cash Based, shows all of the taxes that were invoiced and paid during a defined period of time.

The image below shows the CCH Tax Report – Cash Based.

CCH Tax Report – Cash Based with Geocodes Breakdown

The CCH Tax Report – Cash Based with Geocodes Breakdown, displays the same information as the CCH Tax Report – Cash Based along with the Geocode information for the taxes. The GRT and PUC taxes are based on the geographical information from the Geocode.

The image below shows the CCH Tax Report Interface – Cash Based with Geocode.
