To-Do Escalation

If the Escalate To-Do check box is enabled in addition to the Create To-Do check box, the organizer of an activity or task receives a message if any "Required" participants have not accepted or refused the appointment by the start of the activity or task (date and time in the To-Do Until Date and To-Do Until Time fields).

Note: If the task is a single job, only one of the participants needs to accept in order to prevent an escalation message from being generated.

The rep that added an absence record receives a message if his superior (i.e. the user entered in the Approve by field) has not approved the absence by the start of the absence (date and time in the To-Do Until Date and To-Do Until Time fields).

Escalation messages can also be generated for marketing activities, see To-Dos for Marketing Activities.

The entry in the Type field is set to "Escalation" for escalation messages. This allows the user that created an activity, task or absence record to take appropriate action; e.g. contact the participants by other means.

In addition to the escalation message, an escalation record is created in the To-Do info area. The Escalate check box is enabled in the escalation record.