Searching for Companies and/or Persons

There is a dedicated search engine available for both companies and persons.

To search for a company or person:

  1. Select DataCompany Search, Data > Person (Company) Search or Data > Person Search from the menu.

    A search mask is displayed.

  2. Companies or persons previously selected from the results list are available from the Recently used companies or Recently used persons drop-down lists. Select one of these entries (Alt+U) to switch directly to the corresponding record.
  3. Click on Extended Search to display all the search options.
  4. Enter the information you know in the search fields. Either enter the data completely or use wildcards.

    The following fields are available in the company search:

    • Company: If you know the start of the company's name, enter it. You do not need to enter a wildcard in this case; i.e. searching for "m" returns all companies whose name begins with M.

      Use wildcards if you know several parts of the name, e.g. enter "Quick * Ltd." to return "Quick Services Ltd.", "Quick Services Europe Ltd." etc.

      If you only know a portion of the name, also enter the country and postal code and use the Address option to search.

      If you do not know the postal code, the string should either be long or relatively unique, and you should at least enter the city and country. Use the String search option in this case.

    • Country, City, Postal Code: If you only know the start of the country, postal code or city, add a * to the end of the string. Include the country when searching by postal code, as postal codes are linked to countries in the City info area.

    • Synonym: Enter the start of the synonym and click on Synonym. You can also use the * wildcard.
      Note: Your administrator can determine that you do not need to enter wildcards at the end of a string, see Configuration Info Area (Search category, Synonym without wildcards option) in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.
    • Street: If you know part of the street name, enter it. You can use wildcards.

    • FI-StaNo, FI-SerNo: Station number and serial number of the record.

    The following fields are available in the person search:
    • Last Name: You do not need to use the * wildcard when using the Name search option. If you are not sure of the spelling of the surname, use the Phonetic search option.
    • First Name: You can use wildcards to search names. For example, "Ger*d" returns "Gerard" and "Gerald".
    • Form of address: The person's form of address (Mr., Ms.).
    • (top-most) Country, Postal Code, City, Street: The person's address. If you only know the start of the country, postal code or city, add a * to the end of the string. If you do not know the last name, enter the country and postal code and use the Address option to search.
    • Company: If you only know a portion of the company name, enter it and use the * wildcard.
    • Synonym: This field cannot be used in the person search.
    • (bottom-most) Country, Postal Code, City, Street: The company's address. You can enter wildcards for the postal code, city and street.

    Use the Identical characters configuration entry to determine that (combinations of) letters are treated as identical characters, see Configuration Info Area (Search category, Identical characters option)in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.

  5. Once you have confirmed the input in a field by pressing Enter of Tab, the search is started automatically.

    Use the corresponding buttons to start the search using specific options, see Search Options. If you know part or all of the telephone number, use the Tel./E-mail option, see Searching for Telephone Numbers and E-mail Addresses.

    Note: If the Search on Click option is enabled, the search is only started once you click on one of the buttons, see Configuration Info Area (General Settings category, Search on Click option)in the CRM.core Administrator Guide.
  6. The search results are displayed in the lower part of the window. The search displays a number in the header in the format X/Y/Z (total number of possible records (only when searching according to an index field such as a company, and if the General Settings/Display Hits option is enabled in the Configuration info area)/total records counted/number of records found).
  7. Click on a column header to sort the search results.
    Note: Sorting a large number of records can take some time.
  8. Select the desired company or person and click on (OK). Alternatively, double-click on the desired record. The company or person is transferred.