The "Activities" phase displays a list of the activities scheduled over the past 7 days that have already been documented and those still requiring documentation.
This phase is only displayed if you access the call documentation process by selecting (Daily Business) > Call Documentation or click on the Activities phase arrow. When opening the process from an activity, the Overview phase is opened.
- Double-click on an activity under Undocumented activities over the last 7 days to open the activity in the Overview phase, >> Overview. You can now switch between phases in the process by clicking on the arrows in the header.
- Select one of more activities (Ctrl+click) under Undocumented activities over the last 7 days and click on (Set to Missed) to set the status of the selected activities to "Missed".
- Click on (Call Documentation Report) under Documented activities over the last 7 days to generate a report containing all all information entered for the visit (e.g. POS monitoring data, orders, visit expenses, tasks, completed marketing objectives). Click on (Print) to print the report.