Ticket Process

The ticket process covers the handling of service and maintenance tickets and complaints, starting from the initial contact with a customer through qualifying the problem, performing on-site service and generating a report of the work performed.

Depending on the type of ticket, the process is either independent or started from another record, >> Starting the Ticket Process.

The ticket process consists of the following phases:


Ticket Status

Phase Tasks

Conditions for Moving to the Next Phase

1. Create


Enter basic information

Claims inherit data from offers/orders

Service tickets inherit data from service contracts/installed bases

An e-mail has been sent to the customer

The Qualify Ticket button has been clicked (proceeds to phase 2)

2. Qualify


Maintenance and service tickets: enter the necessary spare parts

Service tickets: create a service offer

Claims: Enter the offers, orders and items that are affected

Service tickets: A service contract has been created

The Ticket Qualified button has been clicked (proceeds to phase 3)

3. Dispatching



Maintenance and service tickets: a rep distributes the tickets to service technicians, either directly or using the dispatching dashboard

Claims: Employees may need to be sent to the customer to verify the damage (assigned manually).

Once the ticket has been assigned to a rep, the process proceeds to phase 4

4. Wait for Solution



Accept or decline the ticket

Once the processing of the ticket has begun, its status is set to "In Progress"

Once Accept Ticket and Ticket in Progress have been clicked, the ticket proceeds to phase 5

If Decline Ticket is clicked, the ticket returns to phase 3

5. Solution

In Progress

Process the ticket (on-site service, find a solution etc.)

Enter the solution

Claims: Enter the actual damage

A solution has been entered

The Ticket solved button has been clicked (proceeds to phase 6)

6. Completion Check


Verify the ticket and close it (e.g. by accounting or another internal department)

The Close Ticket button has been clicked (proceeds to phase 7)

7. Closed


The ticket remains in this phase unless it is reopened.

The Reopen Ticket button has been clicked (returns to phase 2)