Send As email

Learn how Send As email works.

The OpenAppointmentEmail button in the MA Expand header in UPDATE_DEFAULT allows users to send a Activity record as an email.

Send as email works as follows:

  • You can configure which internal recipients (reps) are added to the email. For further details, see Internal Recipients.
  • You can configure which external recipients (companies, persons) are added to the email. For further details, see External Recipients. On the emails recipients list external recipients are always listed before the internal ones ("customer first").
  • The content of the Subject field (MA/103 in the BTB version) is automatically entered as the subject of the email.
  • The content of the Text field (MA/23 in the BTB version) is automatically entered as the text of the email. To specify another field, use the Web Configuration parameter EMail.BodyFieldID.

    To send HTML-formatted emails, create an HTML field in MA and specify it as EMail.BodyFieldID (server-side sending only). For further details, see HTML Fields.

    Client-side emails do no support HTML-formatted text. For further details, see EMail.SendingMethod.

  • All documents linked to the record are offered as attachments for the server-side sending of emails. (For client-side emails no attachments can be added automatically.)

    To limit the attachments offered for Send as email to certain content types and/or document classes use the Web Configuration parameters EMail.AttachmentsExcludedContentTypes and EMail.AttachmentsExcludedDocumentClasses. For further details, see EMail.AttachmentsExcludedContentTypes and EMail.AttachmentsExcludedDocumentClasses.

Internal Recipients

The internal recipients for appointments (MA) sent as emails are determined as follows:

  • If a field group called MA.EmailReps exists for MA, the internal recipients are determined using the fields contained in the Details control of this field group:
    • Only rep fields and participant fields (i.e. fields with type="uid" in the data model) from the current info area may be added to the Details control. All other fields are ignored.
    • No internal reps are offered if the Details control is empty.
    • All reps that were determined using MA.EmailReps are added to the email in the To: field. Participants are divided into To:, CC: and BCC: according to their participation type.
  • If the field group MA.EmailReps exists but is empty, no reps are used as recipients in the email (i.e. it is only addressed to the person or company of the appointment). For further details, see External Recipients.
  • If the field group MA.EmailReps does not exist, internal recipients are determined using the participant fields (if available). Rep fields are not taken into account.

The user can define in his settings if he (i.e. the currently logged on user) should be added to the internal recipients or if he should be ignored: The Web Configuration parameter EMail.ExcludeCurrentUser, which is included in the UserConfig in UPDATE_DEFAULT, controls whether the current user is included when sending emails.

Default = not checked.

For further details, see EMail.ExcludeCurrentUser.

External Recipients

External recipients are determined from the Activity Participant info area (MB). External recipients are always listed before internal ones in the recipient list of the email ("customer first").

The Web Configuration parameter EMail.FallbackToCompany determines if the company's email address is used as a fallback when a person's email is empty. For further details, see EMail.FallbackToCompany.