
Select whether emails are sent from the server or the client (default="Server").

If emails are sent from the server, attachments (i.e. documents linked to the activity record) are sent as well and Unicode characters are transferred correctly. However, the email is sent with the exact text of the activity record (no editing possible) and is not displayed in the user's outbox.

If emails are sent from the client, documents linked to the activity record are not automatically sent as attachments.

Notes for sending client-side emails: The amount of characters that can be exported from the Text field of an activity record in Aurea CRM.Web to your mail client is limited by the operating system and the mail client software. If the limit is exceeded, Aurea CRM web displays a notification and the text is truncated (with "..."). Use the EMail.ClientSide.ProtocolMaxLength Web Configuration parameter to configure the maximum length of email texts, >> EMail.ClientSide.ProtocolMaxLength.

If you want to send texts with unlimited length, you have to send server-side emails.

Special characters in email addresses are supported only with Microsoft Outlook 2007 (and higher) and with Lotus Notes 7 (and higher).

The "mailto:"-protocol does not support HTML-formatted text, >> Therefore you cannot define an HTML field in EMail.BodyFieldID when sending client-side e- mails. Specify the linked plain text field instead, >> HTML Fields.

Note for sending server-side emails: You need to define a valid mail server in the Mail Server section of the settings.xml file to be able to send server-side emails, >> Mail Server in the Aurea CRM.Web Installation Guide.