email Reply

Learn how to reply to email from Aurea CRM.Web.

The EmailReply button allows users to reply to email activities from within Aurea CRM.Web. For further details, see EmailReply.

By clicking the EmailReply button or pressing Ctrl+R a new email activity is created. Users can write the email and then send it by using the button. For further details, see Send As email.

When replying to an email activity the following fields are copied from the initial email activity to the new one:

  • Subject and Text

    Text no. 33 ("RE: ") of the Text Group email_text is inserted before the Subject, text no. 35 ("{1}---------- Original Message {0} ----------{1}") is inserted before Text. Text no. 35 supports special placeholders: {0} for the current date, {1} for a line break.

  • Activity Type, Purpose, Priority and Private
  • for each activity participant (internal participants (i.e. reps), companies and persons) a new Activity Participant record (MB) is created and linked to the new activity record:
    • The following fields are copied to the new MB records: Co.Gr., Co.No., Pe.Grp., Pe.No. and Part. Type keeping the same participation types (required, optional and for information).
    • The Part. Status field is reset to "open".

Starts on and Starts at are set to the current date and time, the Rep field is set to the currently logged in user.

The new activity is linked to same parent record (Company or Person) as the original activity. The original activity is linked to the new activity via the Previous/Main Activity field.

The fields copied to the new MA and/or MB records can be extended by defining a Details control for a MA.ReplyFields and/or MB.ReplyFields field group. All fields contained in the(se) control(s) are copied to the new records.