Configuring Lyris HQ

Learn to set up Lyris HQ for Aurea CRM.

Aurea CRM communicates with Lyris using the Lyris API. And CRM users can use the Lyris Web interface to view the mailing lists, messages, and contacts (target group members). This requires that you set up the Lyris URL templates and the authentication parameters required by Lyris API. You can set up language in which the demographic information of target group members is created in Lyris.

Some of the parameter and their use to communicate with Lyris are described in this topic. You can find all the web configuration parameters for Lyris and their descriptions in Lyris Parameters.

Getting Lyris Web Configuration Parameter Values from Lyris HQ

Contact Aurea support ( for setting up your Organizational account with the Email ID for the owner of the account and Email IDs of additional users to be added to your organization.

Before you configure the ACRM.Web configuration parameters for Lyris HQ, you need to retrieve the retrieve your organizations information configured on Lyris HQ. To retrieve them perform the following steps:

  1. Login to your Lyris HQ Account at
  2. Use the Settings option as shown in the screenshot below to view the organization’s settings.

  3. Select your organization from the list in the Organizations pane.

  4. The Lyris.SiteID configuration parameter value can be found in the Site ID field in the Organizational Details windows.

  5. Click Edit on the top right corner of the Organizatonal Details window. You can set the API Password for the organization in the Edit Organization pane. This value is provided in the web configuration parameter Lyris.APIPassword.

  6. Click Launch EmailLabs in the Email Marketing pane to the left of the page. The EmailLabs page displays. The domain name displayed in the URL for the page is the value that is required to set the web configuration parameter Lyris.Host.

    In the screenshot below, the domain value is

    Note: The value of the Lyris parameter Lyris.Host is used to configure the values of the following Lyris web configuration parameters:
    • Lyris.MailingListUrlTemplate
    • Lyris.MessageUrlTemplate
    • Lyris.SegmentUrlTemplate
  7. Set the value of the web configuration parameter, Lyris.ActivityExecutionIdDemographicId. Click Contacts in the left pane. Then select More Actions > Manage Attributes in the resulting Email Marketing – Contacts page.

  8. In the resulting Attribute Management dialog, create a new attribute with the name ActivityExecutionIdDemographicId of type Multiple Select List. The ID generated for this attribute should be added to the Lyris.ActivityExecutionIdDemographicId web configuration parameter.
  9. Edit the attribute Lyris.TargetGroupTransferMaxChunkSize. It determines the maximum number of contacts that can be transferred to a mailing list created in Lyris. Set it to a large number if the target group number is more.

Configuring Lyris, Lyris Host, and Lyris API details

In order to use Lyris as an email marketing tool it has to be first enabled using the Lyris.Enabled web configuration parameter. Setting this to true is the first configuration step to start using Lyris from Aurea CRM.

All communication with Lyris is done using the Lyris API. The host address used by Aurea CRM to communicate with Lyris API is provided using the Lyris.Host parameter. All API calls are made against the URL format. Lyris.Host should be either an IP address or a fully qualified name of the machine hosting Lyris HQ API.

Authentication password for a Lyris API connection is provided in the parameter Lyris.APIPassword.

All API requests passed by Aurea CRM to the Lyris host needs to carry a site id. This is a Lyris requirement and is configured in the parameter Lyris.SiteID.

Configuring Mailing list name prefix

To transfer a marketing activity to Lyris, a mailing list and a message is created by Lyris for that marketing activity. The Lyris.SuggestedMailingListNamePrefix parameter takes a prefix value that is used by Aurea CRM to suggest a name for the mailing list. It is displayed when the user chooses to create a new mailing list. Custom configurations for each user of CRM system can also be used to provide specific prefix to differentiate between CRM users. The user can overwrite the suggested name along with the prefix during the creation of a new mailing list.

Configuring Lyris URL Templates

When a user transfers a marketing activity to Lyris, a mailing list and a message template are created on Lyris. Different marketing activities can use the same mailing lists, to differentiate between them, Lyris generates a segment for each marketing activity. This helps it to associate the target groups associated with the same mailing list used by different marketing activities.

On successful creation of these entities on Lyris, Aurea CRM creates the URLs to access these instances on Lyris. The user can click on these links to navigate to the instances on Lyris. To access the mailing lists, messages and segments, Lyris expects these URL to have a certain format.

The parameters Lyris.MailingListURLTemplate, Lyris.MessageURLTemplate, and Lyris.SegmentUrlTemplate contain the URL templates used by Aurea CRM to generate the URLs to acess the mailing list, message, and segment instances on Lyris.

The following is a sample of the mailing list URL.

https://ip-172-30-90-193.ec2.internal/v3/mailing_list.html? NEXTPAGE=mailing_list_view&setmlcookie=on&mlid={lyrisMailingListId}

The id generated by Lyris when it creates the mailing list is returned to Aurea.CRM and inserted in the {lyrisMailingListId} placeholder.

Similarly, the following is a sample of the message URL,

 https://ip-172-30-90-193.ec2.internal/v3/mailing_list_message_view.html? setmlcookie=on&mlid={lyrisMailingListId}&mid={lyrisMessageId}

The message id as returned by Lyris API on successful creation of a message during marketing activity transfer to Lyris, is inserted in the {lyrisMessageId} placeholder.

Configuring target group creation and scheduling

When the target group for a marketing activity is transferred to Lyris, the demographics created for certain catalog values like country, date format, and greetings are created according to the demographics language specified in the Lyris.DemographicOptionsLanguage parameter. Valid values are: ger, eng, fre, spa, por, nld, dan, ita, cze, hun, slk, pol, gre, ukr, sln, rus, swe, fin, nor, tur, cro, ser, ron, jpn, chn, kor, bul, tha, and alb. For example, if you set the value to "ger" the demographic created for the CRM field Country in Lyris has Deutschland.

When CRM requests Lyris to create the required demographics for the CRM fields in Lyris, it has to provide the demographics ID to the Lyris API, this value should be provided in the parameter Lyris.ActivityExecutionDemographicId.

To ensure that the transfer of target groups to the Lyris server happens successfully, CRM schedules the transfer of a certain number of items in the target group at a time. The value of the chunk to be transferred at a time can be specified in Lyris.TargetGroupTransferMaxChunkSize.

Configuring Standard Editor to display Lyris Icon for Target Group Members

Lyris features available in Aurea CRM are accessible from the Campaign Designer, as well as the standard editors for marketing activities. However, the state of target group entities in terms of Lyris is not shown by default in the target group search list for standard editors. In order to enable an extra (custom) column that is capable of showing the Lyris icon in those target group entities already transferred to Lyris, perform the following steps in a List control of an AG field group:

To display the Lyris icon for target group members transferred to Lyris, perform the following steps:

  1. Add new column for Lyris Contact Id field.

  2. Click Render Hook field attribute in the Field Definition area.

  3. Click Edit and enter the following javascript code:
    var lyrisContactIdValue = $.getValue();
    if (lyrisContactIdValue && lyrisContactIdValue !== "")