Aurea Campaign Manager (formerly Lyris HQ) Integration

Learn to integrate Aurea CRM with Aurea Campaign Manager.

As part of a campaign, the marketing activities can be carried out using multiple channels, like letters, fax, telephone, and email. Generally the email channel is the most preferred channel for marketing activities. While Aurea CRM provides its own email channel, it does not provide all the capabilities of a dedicated Email marketing solution. To provide a sophisticated email marketing channel, Aurea CRM is integrated with Aurea Campaign Manager (ACM) (formerly Lyris HQ), a full-fledged Email marketing solution. Aurea CRM Enterprise edition users can use ACM to handle their email marketing activities and take full advantage of its sophisticated email marketing capabilities.

Note: Aurea CRM Enterprise license enables you to access ACM features. In order to use ACM features you require a separate license for ACM.

Aurea Campaign Manager (ACM) notifies Aurea CRM of the actions it performs by using the event flow mechanism to send event notifications. Events are generated by ACM, when it performs some action on Contacts, Mailing lists, Segments, and Messages. Events are also generated by user actions, like opening an email message or clicking a response link provided within the email message. The event notifications generated by the Campaign Manager is placed in event queues in the ACM Sync Middleware and recieved by the CRM.Server listening for event notifications. Multiple instances of the event queues can be configured to monitor each of the event queues in the Sync Middleware. The Sync Middleware supports eight queues and each of these queues can be configured to notify specific event types.

Note: To enable ACM you have to set the Lyris.Enabled parameter to true. This parameter should be set in the configuration that corresponds to the CRM.Server user, and should be set in the users.xml file. The CRM Server Plugin for SyncMiddleware uses the above credantials to access the SyncMIddleware credentials configured in the CRM.Designer database. For more information on setting the user details, see Configuring CRM Server to listen to the SyncMiddleWare Message Queues.