Tool Box

Know about the toolbox used to create forms.

The Tool Box contains the following items:

  • Panel Widgets: Widgets used for structuring a form. The following panel widgets are available:


Contains a stack of cards where exactly one is visible.


Displays its children in columns or as tabs. For further details, see Dashboards.


Lays out its child elements in a dock layout, arranging them either horizontally or vertically. Dock panels are not dynamically resized according to their content, therefore make sure you specify at least the height property.


Simply appends one child element after the other in a <DIV> element.


Encloses a widget with a group element.


Displays a tabbed widget, allowing users to switch between the tabs.


Lays out its child elements in an HTML <table> element.

  • Generic Widgets: Widgets that can be used independent of records and other CRM-specific data. For Example - field schemata or entries of the CRM.Designer database, Button, TextInput, Image.

    Generic widgets are displayed in the preview area exactly as they are displayed in the Aurea CRM.Web user interface.

    For a list of available generic widgets, see the article “Form Designer Widgets” at

  • CRM-specific Widgets: Widgets that are directly related to CRM data. For example, the ExpandView widget can only be displayed based on a record.

    For CRM-specific widgets no WYSIWYG preview is available.

    For a list of available CRM-specific widgets, see the article “Form Designer Widgets” at

  • Components: Components are not assigned to a specific widget but to the entire form. They are used to access additional data sources.

    For a list of available components, see the article “Form Designer Widgets” at