Scheduling Import Jobs

Learn how to schedule import jobs execution.

Imports which should be executed at regular intervals can be executed by the ImportJob in the settings.server.xml:

<Job schedule="0 2 * * * " type="update.Crm.Server.Jobs.ImportJob,update.Crm.Server">
The import format name
The path to the import file (optional)
Set to true if an import result should be generated (optional)

The import is executed based on an import format, see Import/Export in the Aurea CRM win Administrator Guide.

Available parameters:


The name of the import format.


The path to the import file. This can be a relative or absolute path, environment variables are resolved. If undefined, the import file specified in the import format is used.


If set to true, Import Result (C5) records are generated for import errors. If undefined, the setting specified in the import format is used (Log import results check box in the File Format dialog).

Use the name attribute to schedule multiple import jobs with different parameters to execute multiple imports at regular intervals.

Default: false