Automatically Completing To-Dos

Learn about the To-Dos server jobs.

To-dos created for CRM.server are carried out by the MonitorTodosJob as defined in the settings.server.xml file:

Execute open todos for the crm.server user (every three minutes)
<Job schedule="*/3 * * * * " type="update.Crm.Server.Jobs.MonitorTodosJob,update.Crm.Server" />

If the schedule attribute is undefined, the MonitorTodosJob checks for due to-do records of Type "Calculate" every minute.

To-do records are automatically created with all necessary parameters by various Aurea CRM features (e.g. mass data operations, background queries etc.) and by the business logic respectively.

To (manually) define a to-do for CRM.server:

  1. Add a To-Do (TD) record.
  2. Specify the following:
    • Rep/Group: the CRM.server user
      Note: For to-dos created in Aurea CRM web the CRM.server user specified by the UpdateServer.RepID Web Configuration parameter (for the current configuration) is automatically entered.
    • Type: "Calculate"
    • Due on/at: The date and time the job should be completed.
  3. Specify the task or workflow that should be carried out:
    • Task: Enter the to-do type and its parameters in the Text field, e.g. 14 ;MA or 0;;2014;2014; etc.

      For a list of available types and their parameters, see To-Do Types.

      Use a semicolon as separator. To include a semicolon in a parameter, you need to escape it by entering "\;".

    • Workflow:
      1. Select "Workflow" as Execution Type.
      2. Select the desired workflow format in the Execution Format field.
      3. Enter the parameters in the Text field.

      Notes: The Hidden option must be enabled for the workflow in the workflow's General Settings.

      The workflow is executed in the to-do records context, i.e. data entered in the to-do record can be read and used in the workflow.

    Note: The Hidden option must be enabled for the workflow in the workflow's General Settings. The workflow is executed in the to-do records context, i.e. data entered in the to-do record can be read and used in the workflow.
  4. Save the To-Do record.

The to-do is carried out as follows:

  1. CRM.server polls for due to-do records as specified in the settings.server.xml file.
  2. CRM.server enters the Starts on/at time.
  3. CRM.server completes the task.
  4. Once the task is completed, the to-do record's Status is set to "Completed" and the Ends on/at time is entered.
  5. A message is sent to the rep entered in the Assigned by Rep ID field in the to-do record informing the rep that the task is complete. The message includes a link to the to-do record.