Carrying Out Marketing Activities

Learn how to carry out and abort marketing activities.

Marketing activities defined to be carried out by CRM.server are executed by the MonitorExecuteActivityTodosJob as defined in the settings.server.xml file:
Execute open todos with marketing activities for the crm.server user (every three minutes)
<Job schedule="*/3 * * * * "
type="update.Crm.Server.Jobs.MonitorExecuteActivityTodosJob,update.Crm.Server" />

If the schedule attribute is undefined, the MonitorExecuteActivityTodosJob checks for due to-do records of Type "Execute Marketing Activity" every minute.

For detailed information on defining and executing marketing activities, see Marketing Activities in the Business Logic Manual.

Aborting the Execution of a Marketing Activity

You can define that users can enable a Boolean field in the Execution (Marketing Activity) info area while the marketing activity is being executed in order to abort the execution of the marketing activity. Which field is used for this purpose is defined by the Field used to cancel the execution for marketing activities configuration option (Campaigns category) in the Configuration info area (MC), see Campaigns.

When executing the marketing activity, CRM.server regularly polls to check whether this field has been enabled. The default polling interval is 5 seconds. To change this interval, enter "Interval=n" (where n is the desired number of seconds) in the Comment field if the configuration entry.

If the execution is aborted, the Execution Status field in the Execution (Marketing Activity) info area and the status of the corresponding to-do are both set to "Canceled". The time at which the execution is aborted is written to the Time field in the Log (Marketing Activity) info area.

Note: This function can impact negatively on the system's performance when executing marketing activities.