Generating License Reports (Saas)

Learn how license reports are automatically generated.

In an Saas environment license reports are automatically generated by the GenerateLicenseReportJob as defined in the settings.server.xml file:

Generate the license report at the first day of every month at 23 o'clock
<Job schedule="0 23 1 * *"
The path to which the license report should be exported.
Can be a relative or absolute path, environment variable are resolved.
(Default is "LicenseReports")
Should user names be anonymized (default is false)

Available parameters (optional):


Defines the path to which the license report should be exported. This can be a relative or absolute path, environment variables are resolved. If undefined, the file is saved to the web\LicenseReport directory. (The directory is created if it does not exist).


If set to true, user names are anonymized in the report.

For more information, see  License Report in an SaaS Environment.

Default: false