Checking Unit Availability

Click on Check Unit Availability if you have made any changes to items in the Aurea.CRM database.

A confirmation prompt is displayed. You can disable the prompt from the options (see Options ) or by enabling the Do not show this question again check box.

A list of configuration items in the package is displayed, along with their status ("Available" or "Not Available") and the processes they are used in. Click on Save Result to output the list of items that are "Not Available" to a text file.

Items that have been added to the package, but are no longer present in the Aurea.CRM database, are indicated with a red exclamation mark in CRM.cockpit.

If items are unavailable, click on Remove all unavailable items to remove all items in the package that are unavailable in the database. Those items that could not be removed (items not directly referenced by a process) are listed afterwards.