Creating Bug Reports

Learn how to create bug report.

You can create a bug report .zip file that contains information on your system and your log files for troubleshooting purposes.

To create a bug report:

  1. Select Help > Create Bug Report from the menu.
  2. The default file name is BugReport_<date>_<time>. Choose where to save the bug report and click on Save.
  3. Once the file has been created, you can choose to open it.

The .zip file contains the following files:

  • About CRM.cockpit.txt: Information on your version of cockpit and Aurea.CRM, the station number etc. as displayed in the About screen in CRM.cockpit.
  • u8_cockpit.log and update.cockpit.log: CRM.cockpit log files located in \Log\.
  • All .csv files in \Log\Cockpit, see Import Log File and Export Log File.