CRM.cockpit Settings

Learn how to manually configure the databases accessed by CRM.cockpit.

You can manually configure the databases accessed by CRM.cockpit if necessary. By default, the database settings are configured automatically during the setup process.

Accessing the Aurea.CRM win Database

Access to the Aurea.CRM win database is configured in the same manner as for Aurea.CRM win. The easiest way of configuring CRM.cockpit to access your Aurea.CRM win database is to copy the contents of the \system\sys directory from your Aurea.CRM win installation to the \system\sys directory of your CRM.cockpit installation.

Alternatively, you can edit the mmdb.ini file located in the \system\sys directory.

Accessing the designer Database

Access to the CRM.designer database is configured in the Settings.xml file located in the \system\settings directory of your CRM.cockpit installation:

  1. Open the file (e.g. in Notepad).
  2. Search for designerDsn.

    The designerDsn string contains the following:

    • Provider: The database type.
    • Data Source: Enter your ODBC data source here.
    • Initial Catalog: Enter the name of the database here.
    • UID: Enter the user name used to access the database here.
    • PWD: Enter the password used to access the database here.
Note: You need to configure database access on both the source and target systems.

Configuring the Page Size for Items Requiring Synchronization

When synchronizing items, you can determine the number of items displayed on a page in the list of items requiring synchronization. Enter the desired value in the <value> element in the <update.cockpit.PlugIns.Synchronize.Properties.Settings> element in the update.cockpit.exe.config file located in the installation directory:


<setting name="SynchBrowserPageSize" serializeAs="String">

<value> 40 </value>



Possible values: 40-100. The default value is 40.

Configuring the Page Size for Records

You can determine the number of records displayed in the list when adding records to a package in the Settings.xml file. Enter the number of records to display in the list in the BrowserPageSize element. The default value is 1000.

Default Import and Export Folders

You can define a default folder for import and export files in the Settings.xml file (ExportFolder/ImportFolder). If you define a default folder, this path is opened by default when selecting File > Export Package as .zip File/Import Package from .zip File from the menu). If you do not define a default folder, the last folder used is opened instead.

Package IDs

You can define an optional package ID in the Settings.xml file (CustomerInstanceID element) on both source and target stations. If a package is exported on a station where a package ID is defined, the same ID must be defined in the Settings.xml file on the target station, otherwise the package cannot be imported. If no ID was assigned to the package on the source station, the package can be imported on any station (even if an ID is defined in the Settings.xml file on the target station).