Error Codes

Learn about the common error codes.

The most common error codes are listed below:

  • -103: The record or format references a catalog entry that is not present. This generally occurs if importing catalogs and catalog maintenance items resulted in an error.
  • -105: The record of format references a rep that is not present. This generally occurs if the source database contains formats that reference reps that are no longer in the database.
  • -1002: Occurs if a record with the same key already exists in the target database and the record in the target database was not imported as part of a CRM.cockpit package. If this error occurs for catalog entries, this may be caused by not including the catalog maintenance items (in which case the catalogs are imported anew).
  • -1013: The record is incomplete or the data is erroneous. This may be caused by mandatory fields lacking data.
  • -1016: Mandatory links are not present. For example, the parent company or person of an activity (MA) is not included in the package.