Structure of a Package

Learn about the hierarchial structure of CRM.cockpit.

Packages are structured hierarchically, and contain the following elements:

  • Processes: Any number of processes can be added to a package, and configuration items are added to processes.
  • Configuration items: Any number of items can be added to a process, although each item can only be added to each process once.

The hierarchical nature of a package is apparent from the breadcrumb navigator and can be displayed using the Tree View option, see Tree View .

You should group configuration items in processes according to related items, as you can determine which processes to include in the .zip file when exporting a package.

Note: You cannot define a hierarchy of processes (i.e. add processes to processes).

Items can be added to a process manually, see Editing a Process . If an item is added that references other items (e.g. a rights format that references a trigger format), the referenced items (with some exceptions) are also added to the process automatically, see Items in a Process .

The following can be added to the package, processes and configuration items:

  • A description that documents the functionality of the element, see Description
  • History entries used to document changes made to elements, see History
  • Hyperlinks relating to the element
  • Descriptive documents relating to the element

You only need to enter a description for a configuration item once; the description is shared by all references to the item. A configuration item can only be added to each process once.

Note: Adding a custom info area or catalog to a process automatically adds the entire data model.

Packages are stored in the Aurea.CRM database on the development system. The package history includes the history of all items and processes in the package, as well as the history of the package.