Applying Tags to messages

When Tags are created, they are defined within the context of a specific Reviewer Group. So, when searching for messages to be tagged, ensure the Reviewer Group scope is properly set by first clicking the Reset button to clear all the search fields.

  1. Click on the Reviewer Scope drop-down and select the Reviewer Group that contains the messages that are being search for.

The Reviewer Scope

  1. Execute your search to display the results that contains the message(s) you want to tag.
  2. Scroll down in the results to find the message(s) you want to tag, and check the check-box for the email. You can check multiple messages at once if you want.
  3. The message’s entry displays the Tag(s) that are already associated with it.
  1. After all messages have been selected, click the Tag button.

Viewing the selected Tag results

  1. If you have defined many tags for this Reviewer Group, you can search for a specific Tag using the Filter Tags field. Results are returned as you type the value.
  2. To clear the search, delete the value in the search field.
  3. To create a new Tag, click the Create Tag button. Enter the name of the Tag, and click OK. The new Tag is added to the list of Tags.
  4. To assign at Tag to the selected message(s), check the box beside the Tag. More than one Tag can be checked and the Tags will be assigned to all selected messages.
  5. Click the Apply button to assign the Tags.