Manage Groups

Learn how to manage groups in CIS.

To modify a group,
  1. Go to Administration Menu > Security > Group Setup. Group Setup page is displayed.

  2. On the Group Setup page click on the Group Name and click Edit to modify that group.

To add user to a group,
  1. Go to Administration Menu > Security > Group Setup.
  2. On the Group Setup page, click corresponding to the desired group to which user needs to be added.
  3. On the GROUP SETUP: USER ASSIGN page, select users from Available Users and click to assign them to the group. Select users from Current Users and click to remove them from the group.

To assign objects to a group,
  1. Go to Administration Menu > Security > Group Setup.
  2. On the Group Setup page, click corresponding to the desired group to which object needs to be assigned.
  3. On the GROUP SETUP: OBJECT ASSIGN page, select the desired objects from Available Objects and click to assign them to the group. Select the desired objects from Current Objects and click to remove them from the group.

    Select the object you would like to add, and click on the icon to move the object to the selected group.