Statement Log

Activate an SQL statement protocol to log changes made to the CRM.Designer database from both Aurea CRM.Web and CRM.Designer components.

The SQL statement protocol logs UPDATE, DELETE and INSERT statements as well as calls to stored procedures.

Note: Activating the statement log may have a negative impact on the system performance.

To activate the statement protocol, add <StatementProtocol Enabled="true" /> to the <update.configuration> section of CRM.Designer's settings.xml file.

The resulting log is located in the CRM.Designer database in the tables PORTAL_PROTOCOL and PORTAL_PROTOCOL_PARAM. The table PORTAL_PROTOCOL contains the SQL statement and, if applicable, the user ID. For each SQL statement, the PORTAL_PROTOCOL_PARAM table includes a row for each parameter value.

The user ID is only logged if EnableAnonymousAccess is disabled. For further details, see Settings.