
An example for a simple process.

This is an example for a simple process that creates an activity record (MA) for a person (KP) in a company (FI). The process contains no header, no phases, metrics etc.

The process is started from the application menu, i.e. without context.

The following graphic displays the process flow, the steps and which actions they call.

The following chapters list the necessary configuration units.

Process NewActivityForPerson

On the CRM.Designer main page, click Processes to access all available process configurations and define new processes.

To define a process:

  1. Select the Initial Step of the process. If you divide your process in multiple phases, this initial step is used as a fallback if no active phase is found.

    For this example create a new process called NewActivityForPerson.

  2. Select the Initial Step SelectFI.
    Note: You need to create the steps before you can select them.

    Once you have selected a step you can click (Edit) to edit the step.

Step SelectFI

  1. Create a step called SelectFI.

  2. Select the action (Search) and define its input arguments.

    The search results automatically use the context menu M_Wizard containing the action A_Select which allows users to select a record.

  3. Define the Dispatching:
    1. Enter the condition: $.get('command')=='Select'

      Selecting a record navigates to the next step.

    2. Select "Step" as data provider (Source).
  4. Select or create the Next Step:
    1. Under Next Step click (New Step).

    2. Enter "SelectKP" as Name.
    3. Select the Search action template as Template.
    4. Click New.
  5. Define the input arguments for SelectKP.

    To pass the uid of the selected FI record to the next step as link:

    1. Under Arguments click (Edit step arguments).

    2. For the arguments you want to get from $out select "Step" as Source.
    3. Select the desired Value (in this case uid) from the drop-down list.
    4. Click Apply.
  6. Save the step definition.

Step SelectKP

  1. Create a step called SelectKP.

    Since the step's input argument link comes from the dispatching definition of the previous step, you only need to select "Input Message" as Source and select "as is" from the Value drop-down list.

  2. Define the dispatching as described for SelectFI.

Step CreateMA

  1. Create a step called CreateMA.

  2. Select the action (ExpandNew) and define its input arguments (again taking link "as is" from the previous step).
  3. Check End process with this action.

    Once the user saves the new MA record the process ends with displaying an Expand view of the record.

Menu Action ID_NET_Process_ActivityForPerson

  1. To call your process create an application menu action ID_NET_Process_ActivityForPerson in ID_NET_APPOINTMENT_MGMT. For further details, see Configuring a Menu.

  2. Select Process as Action Template.
  3. Enter the name of the process as input argument name.