Saved Searches

Reviewers have the option to save search queries for later re-use. Both Query Builder and Advanced Query Language searches can be saved.

Saving searches saves time in cases where searches need to be performed multiple times. Or a search template could be saved and edited with specific additional fields when it is used at a later date.

Save a search query

  1. Ensure the search query is complete and returns the expected. messages.
  2. Click the Saved Searches tab.
  1. Review the names of the existing saved searches.

Reviewing saved searches

  • For each Reviewer, both Query Builder and Advanced Query Language saved searches appear in one list for email saved searches and a separate list for instant message saved searches.
  • If your organization has multiple Reviewers, each Reviewer has their own list of saved searches. One Reviewer can not access another Reviewer’s Saved Searches.
  • Saving a new search using an existing name over-writes the existing saved search.
  • Saved search names have a maximum of 64 characters.

Decide on a name for the saved search.

  1. Return to the appropriate Query Builder or Advanced Query Language tab.
  2. Click the Save button.
  1. In the pop-up, enter the name.
  2. NOTE

    If the name is the same as a previous saved search, it will replace the existing search

  1. Click the OK button.

Execute a saved search

  1. Click the Saved Searches tab.
  1. Click on the name of the saved search to be executed.

Reviewing saved searches

    The Query Builder or Advanced Query Language page that was used when saving the search will appear, with all the search fields filled in the with saved values.

    Optional: Edit the query values.

  1. Execute the search by either clicking the Search button or hit the Enter key.

Delete a saved search


If your organization has Expanded Archives Services, the Content Type drop-down appears. If the correct content type isn’t selected, choose it from the drop-down.

  1. Click the Saved Searches tab.
  2. Find the name in the list of saved searches.
  3. Click the button in the row of the saved search that is to be deleted.
  4. A confirmation dialog appears, click OK to delete the saved search.