Create Recovery Archive

If a Reviewer has AMS Administrator privileges, the Reviewer can also create Recovery Archives for email search results.


Only users assigned Archive Reviewer permissions by your AMS administrator will be able to access, use or configure this functionality.

Recovery Archives:

  • Create an archive that can be recovered into multiple mailboxes using the Recovery Manager tool.
  • Cannot be exported by Export Manager.
  • Stores the query itself, not message IDs. This means that when the archive is recovered by Recovery Manager, the query is run again and the messages that match the query at that later time will be recovered into the mailboxes.

To create a Recovery Archive

  1. Use the search instructions under Search Company Email Archive Using the Query Builder to create a query that returns the messages and/or attachments that need to be retained. Discovery Archives can also be created using Advanced Query Language queries.
  2. When you complete the search, click the Create Archive button.

Creating an Archive

  1. In the Archive Name field, type a unique name for the archive. If you are searching archives for discovery purposes, you may need to create many archives for a given project. To make it easy to find and review archive contents later, use a consistent, descriptive naming convention for the archive, such as Date_ReviewerName_CaseNumber_ArchiveNumber. For example, 20191027_Smith_345000_1
  2. Select the Recovery Archive radio button.
  3. Click Create Archive. The Archive is created and added to the scheduling list.

To view archives created in the last 24-hours, or in progress, click the View Recovery Archives navigation link at the top of the web page.

View Recovery Archives

After an archive is generated, the RecoveryManager component of Aurea Messaging Solutions can be used to import the email messages into designated Exchange mailboxes.