Vicinity Search

The vicinity search displays the addresses of nearby customers you are assigned to on a map based on your current position.

Your administrator can determine what you can access in the vicinity search.

To display the vicinity search:

  1. On the start page, tap on Near me (ISI) / Where am I (LSI).

    The vicinity search is displayed.

  2. By default, your current position is used as the starting position. Tap on to choose a different starting position.

    This position is marked in the map with a gray dot (). A location marker is displayed for each hit, with the color indicating the record type.

  3. By default, two record types are displayed. Tap on to remove an option. Tap on the empty space to enable the option again.
  4. You can define the radius in which addresses are displayed on the map. Slide the white circle to the left or right to reduce or enlarge the radius.
  5. The hits are listed below the map. Tap on an entry to switch to the details view of the record.