Automatically Repeating Communication

If the source station has not received confirmation that the communication file has been input on the target station within the time period defined in the Days to reception field (see Confirmation), the communication process is treated as having failed, and the communication file is automatically output again.

  • The system determines which records need to be output again based on the communication logs on the source station. Logs older than 6 months are ignored.
  • The format entered in the communication logs must be selected in the current communication connection, i.e. communication is only repeated for formats which are in current use.
  • For each communication connection and format, a "repetition file" is output, unless the communication file originally sent is still available and not older than 7 days.
  • The new communication file is named according to the current date. This ensures that files are input on the target station in the correct order.
  • New communication logs are added for any "repetition files". The status of unconfirmed communication logs is set to "not relevant" and these are no longer taken into account by the system.

If the data models on both stations are not identical (error 46), the communication process is also repeated automatically, >> Outdated Data Model at Branch Offices.