CRM.launcher Languages

By default, CRM.launcher uses the same language as the user's operating system provided that this is a supported language, otherwise English is used.

User can change the language used by CRM.launcher via Settings > General > Language.

The user's language selection is saved per user in %LocalAppData%.

The UI strings and messages displayed by CRM.launcher are read from XML files located at <launcher_InstallDir>\Resources\Texts.

To add a language, create an update.launcher.Texts.<language>.xml file in this folder. You need to enter the ISO 639-2 three-letter code as <language>, e.g. update.launcher.Texts.fra.xml.

Use the SDL Passolo XML format:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
	<pslTransList Id="" Source-Language="en" Target-Language="en">
		<Entry Id="ButtonCancel" Origin="" Comment="" ><![CDATA[Cancel]]></Entry>
		<Entry Id="ButtonClose" Origin="" Comment="" ><![CDATA[Close]]></Entry>
		<Entry Id="ButtonOk" Origin="" Comment="" ><![CDATA[OK]]></Entry>

Additional CRM.launcher languages need to be deployed as global CRM.launcher patch. For further details, see Updating CRM.launcher.