mmba.exe Parameters

Learn about the mmba.exe parameters.


Use this parameter to generate automatic selections, see Automatic Selections in the Aurea CRM win User Manual.

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> -a sl ,c

  • sl: Generates selections.
  • os: Generates property selections (BTB only).
  • c: Determines that Aurea CRM's main module remains open after executing the automatic selection.

--auto-sl and --auto-os

Use these parameters to generate certain automatic selections by specifying the format name. The selections are generated irrespective of whether the Autom. is enabled for the selection and irrespective of the frequency entered for generating the selection.

mmba.exe --auto-sl <Format 1> <Format 2> ... <Format n>

mmba.exe --auto-os <Format 1> <Format 2> ... <Format n> -a c

  • --auto-sl: Generates the specified selections
  • --auto-os: Generates the specified property selections (BTB only)
  • -a c: Optional parameter, determines that Aurea CRM should remain open after executing the selection.

Enclose format names containing spaces with quotation marks, e.g. "My Format". If the format name includes quotation marks, add a backslash before the quotation marks, e.g. "\"German\" Customers".


Use this parameter to cleanup invalid processes.

mmba.exe --cleanup

Note: Note: You can also use the Repair feature to cleanup invalid processes, >> Repairing Processes.

Possible Values: D1, D2 (for the Document (D1) and Customer Document (D2) info areas): --doc-mimetype

Use this parameter to automatically enter data in the MIME Type and Encrypted fields in document records added prior to Service Pack 6.

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> --doc-mimetype D1

Possible Values: D1, D2 (for the Document (D1) and Customer Document (D2) info areas)

Note: From version 7.06, values are automatically entered in these fields when adding document records or generating a single letter.


Creates external keys for existing catalog values (in variable catalogs), see Unique System-wide Identification of Catalog Values.

mmba.exe -u <user name> -p <Password> --genextkey

This parameter only functions on the catalog maintenance station.

Existing external keys are not overwritten.

If an external key is already present in the database as the external key of another catalog value, no key is created for the current catalog value. In this case, the following message is written to the active module's log file: Catalogs ;Warning ;Generated external key already exists: '1_18_2'. In this case, you need to enter the external key manually, see Editing Variable Catalogs.


Creates the file mm_index_<Language>.* and model.* in the current user's user directory in the selected format and current language.

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> -m 1

  • 0: ASCII
  • 1: XML
  • 2: TXT

If you do not specify a format, the file is created in ASCII format.

The file mm_index_<Language>.* contains a list of all indices for each info area.

The file model.* contains the primary links for each info area. This corresponds to the structure in the table used to define access rights, for example.


When upgrading from version 7.04 to 7.05 (or higher): Start mmba.exe with this parameter to enter data in the new key fields in the Document Link (D3) info area:

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> --migd3link FI

Possible Values: FI, KP, MA, TD


Starts the SQL Tool, see SQL Tool.


Starts the Rebuild module, see Rebuild module.


Use this parameter to rebuild the tables from the command line:

mmba.exe -r -u <User> -p <Password> -f fi ,kp,ma

Possible values are info area codes (separated by a comma) or all to rebuild all tables.


Use this parameter to remove duplicate catalog values. Specify the catalog number to start the function for individual catalogs:

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> -w 1,2,3,4


Creates the file mm_dbDateTime.txt in the \system\db containing a list of all combined date and time fields (database fields of the type "date,time") for each info area. The number of the associated date or time field is enclosed in square brackets.

55 ; Last Output Date; ComAusDatum_DT; date ; 10 ; ; ; [ 56 ];

56 ; Last Output Time; ComAusDatum_DT; time ; 11 ; ; ; [ 55 ];


Writes information on the currently active data model to the \system\db directory. The following files are created:

  • mm_catno.txt: List of all variable catalogs
  • mm_config.txt: List of all available entries in the Configuration info area
  • mm_dbfnr_base.txt: List of all info areas containing core fields, including core field numbers, see Vertical-independent Configuration.
  • mm_dbstr.txt: List of all info areas and fields in Aurea CRM with the user-defined texts in the current language and the IDs of the Text info area.
  • mm_noPrimaryKey.txt: List of all info areas whose primary key is not numeric, i.e where the ID column is not generated from one or more field values of the record.
  • mm_rel_base.txt: List of all info areas that are identical in all verticals, see Vertical-independent Configuration.
  • mm_relh.txt: List of all child info areas of the Company, Person in Company and Property (BTB only) info areas.
  • mm_relStLn.txt: List of all info areas whose primary key is composed of station number plus serial number. Generic links can only be used with these info areas, see Link.


Creates the file mmdbstr.txt in the system\db directory with the internal field IDs output as the field numbers. The order and numbering of fields corresponds to the order and numbering in the data model.


Creates the following files in the \system\db directory:

  • mm_ResDialog_xxx.txt: List of all dialogs
  • mm_ResMenu_xxx.txt: List of all menus
  • mm_ResText_xxx.txt: List of all texts in the user interface
  • mm_BefTable.txt: List of button texts with resource IDs
  • mm_dbfnrid.txt: List of all field text and original field text resource IDs
  • mm_fixcatno.txt: List of all fixed catalog values
  • mm_fixcatno_custom.txt: Lists all fixed catalog values (including user-defined values) with the user-defined texts in the current language and the IDs of the Text info area. Locked catalog values are not output.

Where xxx is the language that mmba.exe was started with.


Creates the following files in the \system\db directory (see above for descriptions):

  • mm_BefTable.txt
  • mm_dbfnrid.txt
  • mm_fixcatno.txt
  • mm_fixcatno_custom.txt


If you start mmba.exe as SU in English, this parameter creates the following files in the ..\system\xml directory (in this example for BTB):

  • BTBi80.xml: The current data model with the following information:
    • <alltables>: All info areas, fields and field properties
    • <allrelationships>: All relationships and dependencies between info areas
    • <allindexes>: All indices
  • BTBi80.txt: List of all fields
  • BTBi80_catalogs.xml: List of all variable catalogs
Note: When generating XML files (using --writexmldef) you can specify the following additional options in the [Option] section of the mm.ini file (see mm.ini File):
  • xml_lang=1: The files are created in the language you start mmba.exe with (-l parameter, see General Aurea CRM Parameters).
  • xml_unique_filename=1: The corresponding language abbreviation is included in the name of the XML file (e.g. BTBi80_ger.xml).
  • xml_user=1: If this option is enabled, users other than the SU can use the --writexmldef parameter.
  • The user and language are written to the header information of the generated XML files.


Use this parameter to output variable and fixed catalogs in XML format. Variable catalogs are output in the languages assigned to the station, fixed catalogs in all languages. This parameter is used in conjunction with the following parameter:

  • --writexmldef

mmba.exe -u SU -l 1 --writexmldef --allcatalogs

This creates the following files in the .. \system\xml directory (in this example for BTB):

  • BTBi80.xml: The current data model with the following information:
    • <languages>: The current language and the catalog base language
    • <alltables>: All info areas, fields and field properties
    • <allcatalogues>:
      • < catalogues >: All catalog values from all variable catalogs. Locked values are output with a locked="1" attribute.
      • < fixcatalogues >: All catalog values from all fixed catalogs. Locked catalog values are not output. Custom fixed catalogs are only output if they are actually used in an info area.
    • <allrelationships>: All relationships and dependencies between info areas
    • <allindexes>: All indices
  • BTBi80_catalogs.xml: List of all variable catalogs

Prerequisite for the output of fixed catalogs is that the respective language dll files are available.


Only outputs those fields that the current user is permitted to access according to their access rights to files containing information on the data model (e.g. mm_dbstr.txt). This parameter can be used in conjunction with the following parameters:

  • --writedbstr
  • --writedbstrfid
  • --writeresfnr
  • --writedatetime


Outputs info areas in their own column (instead of as a header) to those files containing info area names (e.g. mm_dbstr.txt). This parameter can be used in conjunction with the following parameters:

  • --writedbstr
  • --writedbstrfid
  • --writeresfnr
  • --writedatetime


Use this parameter to output XML field names (as additional column in the file mm_dbstr.txt). This parameter is used in conjunction with the following parameter:

  • --writedbstr


Use this parameter to create XML reports, see Reports in the Aurea CRM win User Manual.

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> --xml "Revenue 2008"


To create several reports, create a text file (ASCII, Unicode, UTF8) which contains a report format on each line, and use the parameter --xfile:

mmba.exe -u <User> -p <Password> --xfile c:\reports.txt