update.server.exe Parameters

Learn about the use of update.server.exe parameters.

Use the following parameters to register, start, stop and remove instances of CRM.server, see Configuring the Service.

-i | --install

Installs CRM.server as a service:

update.server.exe --install [-n <servicename>]

-n | --name

Specifies the name of the service. If undefined, the service is installed as "update.server".


Starts the service:

update.server.exe --start [-n <servicename>]


Stops the service.

-u | --uninstall

Removes an instance of CRM.server:

update.server.exe --uninstall [-n <servicename>]

-v | -- verbose[ =<value>]

Specifies the log level for the command line output. Available values: Debug, Info, Warning, Error.

The default is Warning. If you do not provide a value, Info is used.