Customizing the Outbound Greeting

The outbound greeting is the message that notification recipients hear when they answer a phone notification from AlertFind. By default, the outbound greeting is read by the text-to-speech (TTS) voice for your organization. The greeting can be customized by:

  • Changing the text read by the default voice.
  • Replacing the default text and voice by uploading a prerecorded audio file.
  • Replacing the default text and voice by using call-to-record to record an audio file.

To customize the outbound greeting:

  1. From the left navigation menu Administration section, click Application Settings.
  2. Under the Customization Settings section Voice Calls sub-section, click Edit next to Outbound Greeting.
  3. Select the Greeting Type.
  • To use the default or customized text prompt:
  1. Choose Use default or customized text prompt.
  2. Click OK to have the default prompt read by the text-to-speech (TTS) engine.
  3. To use a customized prompt, edit the text for the voice.outbound.greeting field in the file. Edit this text following the instructions under Customizing Prompts and using the examples shown in this table.
  • To use a pre-recorded custom audio file:
  1. Choose Upload audio file. A Greeting file browser field appears.
  2. Click Browse to locate the audio file to be uploaded. The uploaded file must be a WAV file in a supported format and no larger than 3MB in size. See Supported Audio Files.
  3. Navigate to the file to upload, select it, and click Open. The path and file appears in the Greeting field.
  4. Click OK to upload the file.
  • To use call-to-record to create a custom audio file:
  1. Choose Call to record. A phone number field appears.
  2. Enter the phone number that AlertFind should call. This should be a number where the person who will record the message can be reached.
  3. Click Call. AlertFind calls the number provided, and a series of prompts guides the user through recording the message. Status messages on the Outbound Greeting page report whether the call is in progress, has been successfully completed, or has failed.
  4. When the recording is successful, click OK. If the recording is not successful, you must choose another greeting type.