Changing Company Logo

A company logo can be added to the top right of the AlertFind administrative screen.

Logo files can be GIF or JPG files. The maximum file size is 100 KB. The maximum image size is 240 pixels x 60 pixels.

If multiple language packs were purchased, these components can be customized for each locale. Each language has its own set of customization files. The customizations made in one language do not apply for another language.


PNG Files are unsupported. Only JPG and GIF files are supported for upload.

To change your company logo:

  1. From the left navigation menu Administration section, click Application Settings .
  2. Under the Customization Settings section, locate the Global section. Click Edit above the Logo line.
  3. Click Browse to the locate the logo file to be uploaded. The logo file must be a JPG or GIF, and can be no larger than 100 KB and 240 pixels x 60 pixels.
  4. Click OK to upload the file.