JavaScript Callback Functions

Learn how to use JavaScript Callback Functions to perform some actions after executing a trigger or a workflow.

There are some callback functions which should be reused. JavaScript file: “isicallbackfunctions.js”.


Parameter: source

Call: u8.TeISI.CallbackFunctions.refreshList($.source)


Parameter: textGroupName, messageTextNo, commentTextNo

Call: u8.TeISI.CallbackFunctions.displayMessage("textGroupName", messageTextNo, commentTextNo)


Parameter: source, textGroupName, messageTextNo, commentTextNo

Call: u8.TeISI.CallbackFunctions.refreshListWithInfo($.source, "textGroupName", messageTextNo, commentTextNo)

Info: Grey parameters are optional!


After executing the trigger, the list will be refreshed and the text will be displayed. Text which is displayed:

textgroup “TE_ADDON”

textNo 75