Customer Fact Sheet

Learn about the customer fact sheet for business solution template.

The customer fact sheet is implemented on the FI expand mask as a header button ('TE_FI_Factsheet'). It calls the 'QueryReport' action template and uses the 'TE_FI_FactSheet' query.

Other files used: 'TE_FI_Factsheet.xslt' and 'TE_library.xslt' in the data\reports\te.isi\xslt folder.


The report uses multilingual variables for most info area names as they are needed in plural but the generated xml provides them in singular. They are available in the web application menu under Settings>Maintenance>Variables.

The variables are pulled using the following syntax:

<xsl:value-of select="v:Description('TE_Reporttext_Factsheet.tableprefix')" Where tableprefix must be a name which is used in the XML output (e.g. FIMA).

Hard-coded and dynamic values

There are some predefined hard-coded values in the xslt report:

  • The whole 'Overview' section (Synonym, Street, Additional Info Street, PO Box, ZIP, City, Country, Telephone, E-mail, Internet, ABC)
  • The 'Business Data' section up until the 'Lost Opportunities' field (Won Properties, Revenue, Lost Properties (Buying), Active tickets, Open Opportunities, Lost Opportunities)
  • Every additional field/linked table which is added to the query will be dynamically created in the report. Empty fields will be hidden automatically.


As the report is downloadable content, the images (logo, print icon) were implemented directly into the report by encoding them in base64.

They are found in the 'TE_library.xslt' as variables ('global_logo' and 'global_print'):