Processes & Forms

Learn how to create new records and processes.

Open records in a tree

We modified the existing process "TE_OpenRecordInCompanyTreeview” because a record which is linked to a person (PE) should open the person (PE) tree. We created a new process step called “TE_OpenRecordInCompanyTreeView_ReadLinks” where the FI and the PE links are read.

In the dispatching area we check the links and call the process step “TE_OpenRecordInCompanyTreeview_Open” with different parameters.

Open PE from KP

A new menu action "D_KP_OpenPE” is visible at the “M_Person” menu and allows the user to open the PE record out of the KP record. The menu action calls the process “TE_KP_OpenPE” which has only 1 process step. In this step we search for the PE record and display it, as you can see on the screenshot:

The menu action is disabled if the field #86 at linked person record is set to false

This is done by via javascript. You can find the code having a look at the “isidynamicmenuactions.js”

Open KP from CP

We created a new menu action "TE_A_CP_OpenKP “ which is used as default action for the infoarea CP. The action calls the process “TE_CP_OpenKP” which searches for the KP record and opens it in the company treeview.

Show all CP records in KP sublist

In the sublist of a KP record in the FI tree, we’re displaying a new tab which shows the form “TE_KP_ShowAllFromPE”. In this form we want to display all CP records of the linked PE record.

Therefore the first thing we have to do is so search the PE record. This is done via the LinkedUidComponent in the form itself.

As you can see on the scrrenshot below, the listview takes the PE record from the Component and uses it as link. Therefore only CPs which are linked to this person (PE) are displayed.

New CP from KP

To make it possible to create new CP records out of a KP, we created a new button called “TE_CP_NewRoleInOtherCompany” and display it in the form mentioned above.

This button calls the process “TE_CP_NewFromKPSublist” which allows us to create new CP records.

The process itself looks like this:

At first we’re storing the person record in the process storage variable “PEuid”

The first process step “TE_CP_NewFromKPSublist_SelectFI” calls a substep, where the user can select or create a company. After doing this, we save the company record in the process storage variable “FIuid”

Furthermore we’re dispatching to the next step (“TE_CP_NewFromKPSublist_NewCP”)

In the second step of the process we’re displaying the new CP mask, using the “PEuid” and “FIuid” as link records.

After creating the new CP record, we’re opening the record, by using the default action of the infoarea.

Set as Private Customer

We created a new menu action called “D_KP_SetPrivateCustomer” to allow the user to set the contact person as “private customer” too. This is done via this dynamic menu action:

The action is disabled if the field #86 at the linked PE record is already set to “true” This is done in the script “isidynamicmenuactions.js”. Furthermore the action is calling a trigger which sets the field #86 to true. Afterwards the workframe gets refreshed.

Changed Processes

In version 5 of the template we changed only one process to fit the trinity concept. All other processes will be changed in version 6.

The process we changed is the “NewAppointment” process. We added 2 new steps to allow the user to select PE records too. Process steps:
  • TE_PE_SelectPersonOrNew

  • TE_PE_New

Furthermore we enabled the button “ParticipantsAddPE” so that it is possible to add PE participants to an activity.