Task Management (CRM 70000020)

Learn to manage task templates and task filter buttons.

The standard functionality for editing tasks is used in template version 2. Threrefore the following items are reused:

  • D_ToDoStatus

  • D_ToDoParticipationStatus

  • A_ToDoCompleted

  • A_ToDoMissed

  • A_ToDoAccepted

  • A_ToDoDenied

Task Templates

Templates for the Task (A1) info area were implemented. Task templates are stored in the A029 info area. Each field which was defined in A029 corresponds to a field in A1.

The Template field in A1 is as follows:

A Select function is configured in the ‘A1’ details mask for the ‘Template’ field which will copy the fields from A029 to the corresponding A1 fields. If you want to add a new field to the template, you need to add it in the data model and configure the Select function to copy the A029 field to the correct A1 field.

Task Filter Buttons

Three new buttons have been created:
  1. TE_A1_SetFilter_MyTasks sets a filter
  2. TE_A1_SetFilter_MyTasksToFinish sets a filter
  3. TE_ClearFilter removes the current filter

Two new filters have been created:
  1. A1.MyTasks
  2. A1.MyTasksToFinish

A new JavaScript file has been added:

-isifilterbuttons.js \web\web\scripts\te.isi