
The mode of the Expand view:

  • New: Expand view for creating a new record (as used in the ExpandNew action template), >> ExpandNew Action Parameters.
  • NewMy: Depending on the parent record (>> link/linkId/link2/linkId2) the new record is created as follows:
    • parent FI: The new record is created as a child of the current user's company record (u8.session.identity.companyUid)
    • parent KP: The new record is created as a child of the current user's person record (u8.session.identity.personUid)
    • any other parent: fallback to mode=New

    Example in UPDATE_DEFAULT: D_NewAppointment_My and D_NewAppointment_My_FI in M_CalNew (called by the New Calendar Entry button): These menu actions create new activities for the current user and the current user's company respectively.

  • NewOrShow: Expand view for creating a new record or updating an existing one. Use this mode for 1:1 links only, i.e. in situations where only one linked record is allowed, e.g. for a marketing activity (AK) only one execution record (AD) may exist. In addition, you need to pass a link record to the expand action, >> link/linkId/link2/linkId2.
  • Show: Expand view that allows users to update an existing record (default), >> Expand Action Parameters
  • Update: Expand view for updating an existing record with values specified in the action. Use the following parameters to create Expand actions with mode = Update: