
Use this parameter to enforce a default layout view for all clients logging in to CRM.Web from any device.

Important: This configuration applies to all users. It is not possible to have separate configuration per user, as the layout template selection happens from the login page.

Type: RadioButton

  • None—allows CRM.Web to automatically determine the device type and load the required layout.
  • Standard—enforces the standard layout for all clients logging into CRM.Web from any device type.
  • Touch—enforces the touch device layout for all clients logging into CRM.Web from any device type.

For example, if you wish to ensure that all clients get the standard layout on logging in to CRM.Web and not the touch layout, then set this parameter to Standard. A client can override this configuration setting by setting the URL parameter touch=true/false as described in URL Parameters.

Note: The layout view is loaded in the following order of priority:
  1. Layout specified by the URL parameter touch. For more information, see URL Parameters.
  2. DefaultLayout web configuration parameter described above.
  3. If the above two are not specified CRM.Web uses autodetection to determine the layout view to load.